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join our mission to build first
ever animal crossing bridge in india 

Mountain Range
 Human Wildlife Conflict jeopardizes lives - both human and non-human.   

At TEAS FOR WILDLIFE , we recognize that a healthy coexistence between humans and wildlife is paramount for the continued success of both the tea industry and the  Endangered species. 

By educating consumers about the perils of shopping tea from gardens that do not participate in conservation efforts, we hope to build awareness about how consumer choices directly affect the environment. Making better tea choices means being an environmental steward, and consumers, along with TEAS FOR WILDLIFE can aim to reduce Human wildlife Conflict  in meaningful and measurable ways. 

As each of our tea blend  represent different animal and their habitat and we use percentage of profit to stop human wildlife conflicts . form Asian elephant to The Great indian bustard  lots other  species facing extinction  due to deforestation . 

Taste the conservation and coexistence form INDIA choose tea with a cause .


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